The Blood Furnace

On Saturday we had a very nice guild run in the Blood Furnace. No deaths or wipes or quarrel over Loot ! Certainly beats pugs :).

Besides Beano who was lvl 61 we were a little higher than the instance is rated, but we had the quest from Thrallmar to do there anyway, which gave me a new cape, a very nice reward. Some nice loot dropped (a mace for our pally, and some cloth piece from the last boss, nothing for me this time). I did get nice xp though, almost 1000 per mob, as I was rested again. Dinged to lvl 65 at the same moment my ravager leveled to 64. The odds of that ever happening again are very small !

Not the best victory shot here as two of us had already stoned back to Shatt :).

Leveling Mining

The new leveling system of 2.3 is all fine and dandy, but the leveling of certain skills has not been adjusted to the new leveling speed. For example my polearm skill is still at 256, my 2h sword at something similar, and mining got stuck at 215 when I entered outland. As there is no Mythrill or Thorium in Outlands, I had to go back to the Old World to leveling these skills.

This mining guide at helped a lot. I figured sunday morning would be a good time frame to do this without too much competition, so I made a few rounds around Tanaris and ventured into Un’Goro a bit as well. This left me with a truckload of Mythrill and Solid stone which will be nice to level my engineering. Mining is now at 241, engineering at 250, I’ll have my enchanter / tailor alt make me a mining glove with +5 mining so I can do Thorium on my next round !

Luckily since last night I have an epic mount, which made the process a lot of faster than when I first tried this a week or so ago.


Greetings from Zangarmarsh

Morphea got to level 64 tonight while questing in Zangarmarsh :). It’s such a nice area, I really like the weird atmosphere there. And it’s somewhat more relaxed than Hellfire Peninsula, as there aren’t mobs (with adds) everywhere you go. And there are plenty of Ogres that drop cloth and nice green items + silver, and who doesn’t like to kill Ogres ?

Only had an unfortunate incident (dieing twice) while getting Spore Sacs in the western part of the zone. I got mobbed by 2 Bog Lords. Usually not something I can’t handle, but they got a weird DOT (strangle something) and then out of nowhere 2 more popped up :(. Unfortunetaly I didn’t die in a comfortable place and got killed again (feign death didnt do much this time) when I get back (quite a walk too).

Greetings from Zangarmarsh

Ah well that’s all in a day’s questing ;). I am still not finished here in the area and already am 64 now, at this rate I’ll have netherstorm and silvermoon left when I get to 70, which should get me some nice income. I almost have enough for the epic riding skill and banked 50 AV tokens to get the AV mount. Ofcourse I could send over the rest of the gold I need from Morpheus, but this feels more like an accomplishment when I get Morphea to handle her own finances ;).


Arena Night

Usually we have an Arena Night once a week. My balance druid Morpheus plays with a hunter and a mage. I started out with the hunter Ruryk as a duo at the start of Season 3. He was still in quest blue and greens and I had a few S1 pieces and some blues. And it was quite an experience ! Totally different from the pvp we were used to and needless to say we went 1-9 in the first week and seriously doubted we should continue. Luckily we found a friendly mage who wanted to join us (and our guild) and started 3×3 saving the 2×2 for practise.

We formed a 5×5 team last week, when a hunter and a warrior joined our guild. Unfortunately that left us with no healer, which is a disaster in 5×5. Ruryk’s priest alt in Kara gear then joined us, which made it a little more bearable, but we still went 2-8. This week however there wasn’t a moment all 5 were online, so we did two nights of 3×3 with mixed results. We had a very nice winning streak and finally got above 1400 rating, then lost a bunch in a row and we’re back to 1376.

At this rate we gather about 280 pts a week, and the nice gear is about 1800 pts. Some stuff is cheaper, like the gloves (and the hunter’s axe ;)), but still it takes about 6 – 8 weeks for a not so great arena team to get an Arena epic. Not that I am complaining though, but the term wellfare epic is, in my opinion a bit misplaced ;).


The Mag’har

Yesterday Nazgrel send Morphea on a quest to look for an assassin. Unfortunetely for the assassin, I found his corps in mountain, west of Thrallmar. After delivering the axe that killed him to Nazgrel, he send me to a Far Seer in Thrallmar. She gave a spirit wolf to aid the reconnaisance mission near the assassin’s body. And then a spirit wolf appeared and led me to a hidden village of the people of Mag’har. They’re brown colored orcs, family of Thrall.

Meeting Thrall

Their leader then asked me to deliver a letter to Nazgrel, who send me to Thrall himself ! Always exciting to visit him, he seemed quite upset / surprised about the message the Mag’har were still alive ! He then send me back to them, to aid his people.

You can find more on the mag’har at



Morphea got to lvl 61 today while doing quests and the occasional pvp daily. My new bow certainly helps a lot, teamed with my new white tiger from winterspring, we kill stuff very quickly ;). Also did one Ramparts guild run, assisted by a 2 lvl 70s, druid bear tanking and that was a lot of fun. This also got a quest done with a nice reward (blue gloves) and at the end boss from the chest, the Hellreaver dropped. Not a real hunter’s weapon, though it helps ofcourse, but +30 strength makes it more a pally or warrior weapon. But it looks so very cool ;). The critial strike rating is nice and so is the stamina, so that’s what I am using at the moment.

Morphea with new bow

Now that I am at 61, leveling pets comes into play. I really love my wolf Jerry. He has been with me since lvl 27 or so, and can tank very well, while also dishing some nice damage. The cat is more suitable for pvp (and looks very nice) and I am also planning on getting a Quillfang Ravager in a few levels, because of the bite and gore abilities. I sometimes have one on me in PVP when I play with Morpheus and they’re very annoying ! So the plan is to use Jerry for pve and the others for pvp, hope I can keep their levels up :).


Through the dark portal

Morphea is a pretty old hunter orc character, probably created around april, 2005. Only seriously started playing her this year, especially since Patch 2.3, when Blizzard made leveling alts a lot easier. Have been having a lot of fun with here. And this week, the moment has finally arrived, she reached lvl 58.

Dark Portal

Unlike so many other alts, I hadn’t set her moonstone to Shattrah City yet, so I had to make a long run from Stranglethorn to The Blasted Land to reach the Dark Portal. The main reason to go there already at 58 was to get some nice quest items from the initial chain Through The Dark Portal that you can get from an Orc standing in the little camp in front of the portal. The questchain isn’t very hard (as a hunter) but you get a lot of annoying adds sometimes if you’re not careful enough, so I died a few times, but it wasnt that bad. It landed me some nice new gear: Rage Reaver, Falyer-Hide Leggings, but replaced those right away with the BattleScarred Leggings you get from the next mission in the chain and Skull Cap. You can replace that last item pretty soon after doing some quests in HP with a mail variant that has the same stats.

After doing all that plus the bombing run missions (those are fun), I was well on my way to 59. Decided to finish up some quests in Western Plaguelands and Winterspring to get to 59. 59 to 60 was done in Silithius, there are some easy quests there and it didnt take too much time. Then I cleared my quest log and am now questing around Thrallmar !

I have been doing some pvp around the *9 levels and accumulated almost 10k honor, so I am doing some extra battlegrounds to get to 12k and 20 ab tokens to get either the Street Sweeper or the High Warlord’s Crossbow. The other epic pvp bow is out of the question as it’s too fast, and I am marksman specced. Probably go for the bow as guns get on my nerves after playing a while. Either of the two weapons will work nicely for quite a few levels to come.

First !!11!!

After playing for three years now (on and off) I couldnt resist any long and start yet another blog, this one is dedicated to my adventures in the amazing World of Warcraft.

I will post my thoughts, adventures, cool loot drops, links to nice addons, UI ideas etc here on this blog, hope you will all enjoy ;).