
It’s finally coming in a few days, the Demon Hunter ! Ever since Warcraft III people have been wanting to play this class and now it’s finally there ;). And in about 3 weeks, Legion will be here as well, so we can forget about Garrisons and WOD and move on to hopefully something beter !


Patch 6.02

Well everything is patched, toolbars have big holes in them, and character models are updated ;). I did run the introductory quests towards warlords and got my new pet. It looks quite cool ! The quest was nothing special. Thrall plays an important part once again, and Vol’jin is now standing in Oggrimar where once Garrosh stood.

The new character models will take some getting used to. The walking  animation is not as great as they once were. My undead mage zennadar lost his funny undead step :(. Also the damage output is a little weird now with the squished numbers. But stuff still dies reasonably fast even though I wasn’t quite familiar with my new / revamped spells yet.

And then the server crashed, but I needed to encode a video anyway, so not too bad.

New face 6.0

Morph changed quite a bit


Morpheus meets Vol'jin

For the very first time, Morpheus meets Vol’jin.

Pet Battles ctd

The pet battles have been a lot of fun lately. It turns out to be an excellent way to cure the dullness of the intermission between 5.4 and 6.0 (warlords). I now have a group of 25s and am leveling / catching more. Also keep on making the Pet Battles let’s play series on Youtube. Episode 13 is quite fun as I am totally surprised to find a rare quality Scourged Whelpling. It’s an undead pet, which isn’t too common to find, especially not ‘as a blue’ !

Pet Battle Addons

Over the past week, I tried a bunch of pet battles addons. These are the ones I keep using. Basically they provide all the info you would ever need, and make the UI a bit better / more informative.

Pet Tracker –
Pet Battle Master –
Petjournal Enhanced –

You can see them in action in Episode 7 of Pet Battles over on Youtube !